Baan Kata Keeree

Spare Bedroom (#7)

Situated above the private gym, near to the children's playroom, this 7th bedroom is our spare bedroom, en-suite, air-conditioned and even has a small private terrace / balcony, though not child-friendly due to the short walls. For two people only : 1 couple or 2 singles.

If you have any questions about this 7th bedroom, please reply to the emails you've been using to contact us.


Baan Kata Keeree

The Official Website for Baan Kata Keeree

Privately Owned, Fully Staffed Luxury Villa At Kata Beach, Phuket

The perfect place for an amazing family holiday


We recommend you to contact us through this website ( or through our other websites : and We also linked our Facebook page and our Instagram page above. If you contact us through any other method, you're doing so through a third-party agent who has no negotiation on pricing and has no accurate availability information without speaking to us first. Please, deal with us direct for the best experience!

We also own a 6-Bed Private Villa in Chiang Mai called Baan Thip Chang which might be of interest if you're looking for a split-stay dual-location holiday.

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